Short fall session with light equipment at the lake

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Today, I spontaneously decided to do a short after-work session at the lake, where an internal club event had recently taken place, for which a certain number of trout are always stocked. As the decision was rather spontaneous, I only took a small amount of equipment with me to the water: a rod, a landing net, the usual tools and a handful of spoons and spinners.

During the hour and a half I circled the lake once, saw fish rising several times, but couldn’t persuade any of them to bite. A single, very small perch went after my bait.

Of course, the trip wasn’t for nothing, as time spent in nature always has its attractions. I managed to catch a brief glimpse of a kingfisher in flight, and I also startled two hares on my round around the lake, which quickly retreated into the cornfield when they noticed me.

RodBerkley Flex Trout spin rod (3.60m, 10-30g, 3 pieces)buy here
ReelBalzer Tactics Trout Collector 7200buy here
NetBalzer Landing Net Troutbuy here

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